Dr. Benjamin Piper, 1995


“Though I have lived all over the world, one thing everyone knows is that I love Cleveland. I’m proud to be from Noble Road, Quilliams Road, Groveland Road, Gearity, WIley and Heights High. Class of ’95 – what’s up.”

“To whom much is given, much will be required.” ~ Luke 12:48

Dr. Benjamin Piper is Director of the Global Education Program, at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Based in the foundation’s Nairobi office, Benjamin supports grantees that work to improve foundational literacy and numeracy in low- and middle-income countries.

Before joining the foundation, Dr. Piper was the senior director for Africa education for RTI International, where he provided support to large-scale education projects across sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Earlier, he was the chief of party for the Kenyan National Literacy Program Tusome, a set of randomized controlled trials in Kenya called PRIMR, and Kenya’s National Tablets Programme. He was the principal investigator for Learning at Scale, a multi-country study of highly effective large-scale education programs and for an external evaluation of programs aimed at increasing playful pedagogy at large scale funded by the Lego Foundation. Dr. Piper was also the principal investigator for Science of Teaching, an effort funded by the Gates Foundation to increase knowledge about the technical details of how to improve pedagogy on a large scale.

Dr. Piper has a doctorate in international education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and master’s degrees in international education policy and school leadership from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Furman University, respectively. He has lived in East Africa since 2007 and currently resides in Nairobi. Throughout a career as successful and rewarding as Dr. Pipers, his pride of where it all began is evident.


Harvard University – Doctorate and Masters in Education
Furman University – Masters in Education
Wake Forest University – Bachelor of Arts

Current Occupation

Global Director, Education – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

  • 17 years living and working in East Africa
  • Married for 25 years with 4 kids
  • i10-index of 54
  • Led Tusome, the national literacy program of Kenya that doubled the number of kids who could read in one year across the country
  • Christian who believes God cares about equity