Lessons of the Holocaust


Since the early 1970s...

Cleveland Heights High School’s Lessons of the Holocaust program has significantly influenced the lives of students through classes, events, Journeys of Conscience and field trips to national museums.

Pioneering educator Dr. Leatrice Rabinsky created a unique educational program in 1972 that teaches students powerful lessons about the Holocaust and the universality of tolerance, empathy, diversity and respect.

For information about significant investment, please contact Mark Sack directly at [email protected]

Current social studies teacher Mark Sack ’76 took over the class in 2012 and like his predecessors Sol Factor and Adrienne Yelsky he further enhanced class curriculum through the inclusion of lectures by renown educators, interactions with guest speakers and out-of-classroom experiential activities. All of these offerings have provided Heights students with indelible impressions that remain with them throughout their lives.

As we plan for an anniversary event in April 2023 honoring 50 years of Holocaust-themed courses at Heights High, the Heights Schools Foundation seeks to endow its Holocaust Education Fund. Generous contributions will guarantee that future students will benefit from transformative, out-of-class experiences that exemplify why it is IMPERATIVE to STANDUP, SPEAK OUT and NOT BE AN INDIFFERENT BYSTANDER. With our society becoming increasingly fractured—to the point where our democracy may be in peril—such education is critical, perhaps now more than ever.