Mark your calendars for Friday, September 13th, the best day of the year to be a Heights Tiger as all of Tiger Nation comes together for the Homecoming Parade, tailgate and football game.
The parade again starts on Scarborough Road near Fairfax School and makes its way north on Lee Road, all the way to the high school where it ends in the parking lot nearest the softball / baseball fields for a block party and tailgate. This year, three food trucks – The Urban Wrap Co., The Sweet Suite 216 (which will also offer sandwiches and wraps) and Heights Tropical Sno – will sell food to attendees.Families and fans can also reserve a spot in the lot for their car by registering for a Heights Athletic Boosters’ tailgate.
All school teams, clubs, groups and PTAs are encouraged to march free of charge, though they still need to sign up. Local businesses,nonprofi ts and candidates running for offi ce are also welcome to march for a $25 fee. The registration form for all marching groups can befound here.
The entire community is invited to line the streets to cheer on everyone from high school musicians to middle school athletes to the cutest little Tigers marching with their elementary schools. The Lee Road Library will have two youth services staff on their front lawn with activities for families who choose that grassy space as their viewing spot.
Further down the road, Heights Schools Foundation will host an alumni watch party from the patio space in front of The Wine Spot. Theparade kicks off right at 5:00 p.m. and portions of Lee Road and surrounding side streets will be closed to traffi c, so please plan to arrive early.
The grass behind the football stadium and on Washington Boulevard also make for good viewing areas. Washington will be closed to traffi cfrom Lee Road to Goodnor starting at 5:00 p.m.
The tailgate will last until the football game against Brunswick kicks off at 7:00 p.m. This is Heights’ fi nal home game until October 25th asthey will be on the road for a fi ve-week stretch. Make sure to purchase your ticket early to support this historic team. Tickets will be available for purchase starting on Thursday, September 5.